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12-15 August 2021Tögel Art Center

Postponed - 

Life is Rhythm - East African Dance Retreat!

- Tögel Art Center - Hallstavik

Life is Rhythm goes to the countryside for a retreat for the third time!

Summer is here and restrictions are loosening up allowing us to come together and dance! We felt the urge to get out of town and shake, dance, play music, and generally enjoy each other's company to the rhythms of East Africa, namely Moçambique, Tanzania, and Kenya but also to Afro-house and Afro-Beat from across the continent. 

What is Life is Rhythm?

Life is Rhythm has since 2015 united people around the drum to dance as a community. No matter where you are from, who you are, you are welcome. It is a place where dance meets spirituality, where we move our bodies while we also dive within to release the old and step into new versions of ourselves. 

We get inspired by different African traditions and how people feel when expressing their culture, each individual has a unique dancer within, together we let that spirit out.

We celebrate the differences of the thousands of tribes and different cultures and costumes of the African continent, at the same time we acknowledge what is it that brings African peoples together: community, rhythm, the drum, the connection to the ancestors, and the storytelling through movement and music. These rich cultures can show us who we can be through learning how to express ourselves through these rhythms and dances.


In this retreat we will explore kids games, improvisation, Afro house, Afrobeat and traditional African dances. Maybe morning yoga and definitely talk about African spirituality and life. The schedule will be clearer closer to the dates. But you can expect to some of these dances and their songs:

Tanzania - Masewe, Sindimba, Limpango, Ngokwa

Mozambique - Marrabenta, Ngalanga, Xisaizana, Utsi

Kenya - TBA

The Life is Rhythm Healing Circle

One important part of Life is Rhythm is our dance and healing circle. Throughout the African continents the circle is used to bring people together, solve conflicts and heal the mentally ill and the sick. It is a place of giving and receiving, of seeing and being seen, of loosing and finding yourself.  With connection to the ground and the drum we bring Africa and the world together as one. 


Celso Paco (Moçambique)
Henry Kaboye (Tanzania)
Li Storm (Sweden)
Faith Malkia (Kenya)

Life is Rhythm East African Dance Retreat will offer you:

- 10 hours of dance classes

- Vegetarian/vegan food with inspiration from Southern and Eastern Africa and other parts of the world

- Live music and dance performance  with Kuvumbana

- A discussion about cultural values and the significance of dance as a mean of healing and personal growth.

- An open fire party with drum class and dance all night long.

- A place to be yourself

Previous participants have said:

- I want more!

- This retreat made me feel so connected and happy, it's like I received a new family in only three days.

- It was amazing to dance and sing and also to get the history and traditions behind all the dances, it felt like we created a mini-Africa in the Swedish country side. 

All you need to know!

When? Thursday, Aug 12 at 16:00 - Sunday, Aug 15 at 16.00 

Pricing? Price until July 31th: 3400 SEK Price after July 16th: 3900 SEK. (Contact us for applying for lower-income tickets)

For whom? We like to gather people from around the world, different ages, sizes, and dance experiences. Dance classes will cater to both more experienced dancers and curious movers. We are here to build community.


Tögel Art Center in Hallstavik. A beautiful retreat center just by a river. There is a big barn for inside dancing and a spacious garden and a fireplace. 


Beds are in beautiful and fresh dorms with 4-8 beds in each. There are communal showers and toilets.

How to get there? By buss: Take bus 639 from Tekniska högskolan and get off at the bus stop Häverödals hotel (2h from Sthlm). You can also check other connections at

By car: Put Kilvägen 5, Hallstavik into your GPS and you'll find the way! It is around 1,5 hour drive. 


All kids are welcome! There will not be any specific kids activities yet planned, but depending on how many children are coming, this can be co-created.

Cancelation policy: Upon booking you will pay a fee of 1900, which is refundable until 14 days before the camp minue a bookin fee of 400sek. You can always sell you ticket to someone else if you need to cancel in the last minute.

Corona Policy:

Stay home if any symtoms! There will be options to both being close and keeping distance in the dance classes and other activities, we will not stop people from hugging =)

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